Routine & Special Procedures
Flow Cytometry
3 color Flow Cytometry analyzer
5 color Flow Cytometry analyzer
Process and analyze specimens Monday through Saturday
Ventana automated immunoperoxidase staining including ER. PR and HER2/neu, Lymphoid markers and a wide range of solid tumor markers.
FISH for HER2/neu and other genetic markers available.
Processing stains Monday through Saturday.
Cytogenetics and Molecular Pathology
Classical metaphase analysis of chromosomes from bone marrow and peripheral blood specimens performed Monday through Saturday.
Routine Histology Processing
Standard formalin to paraffin processing twice daily Monday through Friday and once on Saturday.
Microwave fixation/processing for STAT specimens and to expedite same day turn around time.
Same day processing and reporting for all specimens Monday through Friday and on request on weekends and holidays.
Traditional smears and touch preps as well as thin prep processing processed Monday through Friday.
Immunoperoxidase staining of cases as appropriate.
Traditional smears and Thin Prep specimens are processed Monday through Friday.
Automated screening of Thin Preps is available upon request.
Apheresis Services
Therapeutic aphereses are performed as needed 7 days a week both as STAT and routine procedures.